Friday, 16 April 2010

Well, it's started - entry form delivered

After enjoying our first attempt at the Mac 4x4 UK Challenge in 2010, my co-driver, Carl Brierley, and I decided we would do it again, if the chance arose.

Well, after watching the Mac website for what seemed like weeks after finishing the 2010 event, the new site and entry forms went live on the evening of Wed 14th April 2010.

I printed the form, filled it in, wrote a check for the £250 entry fee (up by £100 on last year's fee) and put it all in an envelope to be posted, "Special Delivery" the next morning. On waking on the morning of 15th, I decided that:

a - I "needed" to make sure it got there quick - to beat the rush
b - I couldn't wait for several days to see if we'd been one of the lucky few who got selected - first come first served etc...

I'd heard that it was not unknown for competitiors to beat the post and hand deliver, the moment the enbtry forms were published.

So .............. 09:30 15th April 2010 - jumped in the car and headed off towards Peter Rowlands place near Hereford (my long suffering partner Lyn could be heard mutting stuff like "He's mad" .... as i drove off.

Well, 125 non-stop miles and 2 1/2 hours later I was delivering the entry form and cheque into Peters hand. Pleasantly surprised to find out I was the very first entry for the 2011 event.

Having had a quick chat as Peter and his wife were just about to go out for lunch for Peter's birthday, I left them in peace and drove home.

5 hours, 250 miles and managed to be the first one - well pleased.