Monday, 28 February 2011

Nearly ready

Well, it's been a while since I put anyhting on here.

In the last couple of months, the truck has had a fair bit of work done on it.
Front diff, drive shafts, hubs, bearing, brakes etc... all chnaged.
Gearbox and transfer box changed.
Rear axle changed.

Other than that, not much been happening. Last few jobs getting done this week, and we'll be packing up on Wednesday eve, for the off on Thursday morning.

Really lookign forward to it now. A couple weeks ago, I was wondering if it's all worth it, when I couldn't trace a strange noise the truck was making. Now now what it is and can live with it.

Ofcourse, all the hard work and effort put into getting the truck ready is always going to be worth it - the money the event raises for the Macmillan Nurses is worth every drop of blood, sweat and tears.

Anyway, watch this space (save it as a favourite for the next few days and keep track of where we are and what we're up to.